The Green Folder: Supporting Students in Distress – February 3, 2021

Event Date & Time

  • February 3, 2021
    9:30 am - 10:00 am

Event Description

Helping students who experience academic and wellbeing challenges is often a part of our roles. The Green Folder provides a concise and helpful way to quickly assess the urgency and type of students concerns, and refer them to the correct supports.


  • Diana Jung, Health Promotion Specialist, Student Health and Wellbeing

Please note this workshop is part of the Online Teaching Program. This flexible program is designed to help you explore, learn and get support with teaching online. The program consists of a course with self-paced modules in Canvas, online workshops with experiential learning opportunities, and one-on-one consultation support with an educational consultant. This particular workshop is designed to complement module 7, “Creating a Supportive Learning Environment“. Each module takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete. To further explore this topic, we recommend you proceed through the module at your own time.

This event will be online on Zoom.
