Celebrate SoTL Lightning Talks: Showcase Your SoTL Work

Event Date & Time

  • October 21, 2022
    10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Description

Featuring current SoTL activity across UBC, this lightning talk session will provide an opportunity to disseminate project outcomes and to learn about successes and pitfalls from SoTL work developed by faculty, staff and students. Each speaker wil be presenting their projects in under 3 minutes, followed by a Q&A with the speakers. This session is part of the 5th annual Celebrate SoTL event.

Those interested in presenting their SoTL work should submit an application by Monday October 11, 2022.


  • Adriana Briseño-Garzón, Senior Manager: Research and Evaluation
  • Trish Varao-Sousa, Evaluation & Research Consultant
  • Natasha Pestonji-Dixon, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Facilitator

Lightning Talk Presenters:

  • Bruce Moghtader, Centre for Community Engaged Learning
  • Christine D’Onofrio, Media Studies
  • Ingrid Price, Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Judy Chan, Food, Nutrition and Health
  • Moberley Luger, English
  • Pheroze Unwalla, History/Middle Eastern Studies
  • Romina Sardari, Pharmacy Education Research and Leadership
  • Silvia Bartolic, Sociology
  • Xiaowen Xu, Asian Studies

This session is part of the 5th annual Celebrate SoTL event.


October 20 | 9:00am – 10:30am | Celebrate SoTL Keynote: Leveraging UBC’s Strength in SoTL

October 20 | 11:00am – 12:30pm | Interactive Panel: Perspectives on Student Demographic Data in SoTL

October 21 | 10:00am – 11:30am | Lightning Talks: Showcase your SoTL Work

October 21 | 12:15pm – 1:45pm | Hands-on Workshop: Creating a SoTL Project

Please register for sessions individually as desired.