What Would an Accessible University Look Like? Perspectives of Disabled Instructors at UBC

Event Date & Time

  • December 8, 2021
    1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Description

In this workshop, you will learn what accessibility and inclusivity mean to disabled instructors and gain insights into what types of support and resources might be effective in making the university more accessible and inclusive. Facilitators will share key findings from a survey and one-on-one consultations with disabled UBCO & UBCV faculty and graduate student TAs about challenges they face in the context of teaching and the levels of instructional support and professional development resources provided by university. This will be followed by a panel of disabledinstructors as they discuss the experiences of teaching at UBC and the strategies they have developed as well as institutional best practices. This workshop is offered primarily for disabled instructors and there will be an opportunity for open discussion and networking. Non-disabled faculty and students are also welcome but with the understanding that the workshop will centre the needs and experiences of disabled instructors.



  • Corin de Freitas, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography
  • Shota Iwasaki, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Studies
  • Sharalyn Orbaugh, Professor, Department of Asian Studies
  • Ayaka Yoshimizu, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Asian Studies

This event will be hosted online on Zoom. 
