Getting your SoTL Work Published | Workshop

Event Date & Time

  • October 22, 2021
    10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Description

Celebrate SoTL 2021

We are excited to announce the fourth annual UBC Celebrate SoTL Day. This event will be held virtually this year, with sessions spread across two days: October 21 (interactive panel and e-poster session) and October 22 (dissemination workshop and discussion). This will allow UBC Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) practitioners to share their stories from practice, engage in dialogue around teaching and learning topics, and network with colleagues across disciplines. The event also offers an opportunity for those interested in, or currently engaging with the scholarship of teaching and learning,  to become familiar with SoTL work that is currently taking place at UBC. Read about previous Celebrate SoTL events.

Date/times: Thursday October 21st: 9:30-11AM; 1:30-3PM; and Friday October 22nd  10-11:30AM and 1-2PM

Getting your SoTL Work Published – Workshop

Join us for an interactive session aimed at helping you identify relevant publication outlets, draft the outline of a SoTL dissemination piece, and work on your SoTL project methods and outcomes towards publication. We will discuss different approaches to writing SoTL and invite participants to reflect on their motivations for writing about teaching and learning in higher education as a pathway to identifying relevant publication outlets. We will share guiding principles for writing in some of the most common SoTL genres: empirical research articles and conference presentations.


  • Jackie Stewart, Director, ISoTL; Deputy Academic Director, CTLT
  • Adriana Briseño-Garzón, Senior Manager: Research and Evaluation
  • Trish Varao-Sousa, Evaluation & Research Consultant
  • Paulina Semenec, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Facilitator

This event will hosted online on Zoom. 
