Series: Online Online Teaching Program
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Please click “Register Now” to register for this event. This event will occur on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. You will receive the link when you register. This workshop is also offered on July 15.
Not all online course content needs to be created from scratch. As you prepare for your courses, chances are you may want to incorporate educational resources such as images, videos or quiz questions from different sources into your own materials. There are millions of openly licensed resources, from full courses and textbooks to tests banks and images, that are available for others to freely use. These resources can be modified and adapted to be more useful for your own teaching or learning context. This session is intended to address common questions concerning openly licensed materials for teaching and learning, including:
- How do you find and evaluate open resources?
- What is meant by Creative Commons?
- What are the key considerations in reusing, reproducing, or modifying these materials?
With the proliferation of open education resources on the web, the practice of finding, evaluating, using, and remixing videos, simulations, test banks, presentations, and other materials is a skill that can help support instructors and students in their teaching and learning. This session will focus on the pragmatic elements of reuse and the basics of working with open education resources. Participants are invited to bring their questions, problems and favourite resources.
- Will Engle: Strategist, Open Education Initiatives
- Erin Fields: Liaison Librarian and Flexible Learning Coordinator, Humanities & Social Sciences Division
Please make sure you have your own quiet space, a computer with a webcam and headphones or earbuds.
Venue: Online