Exploring the TA-Faculty Working Relationship (for TAs)

Event Date & Time

  • August 26, 2021
    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Description

As a Teaching Assistant, you will be working closely in different roles with an experienced instructor to teach. When this relationship goes well, it can be rewarding, educational, and fun. When it does not, it can be frustrating and overwhelming. In this session we will explore the various needs and expectations (including the TA contract) that structure the TA-Instructor relationship, develop effective communication strategies, including feedback and building professional interpersonal skills, all with the aim of helping you to build a harmonious and rewarding professional relationship with the instructors you work with.

We highly recommend this session to new TAs, and returning TAs who would like to improve their working relationship with their instructor.


  • Judy Chan, Judy Chan, Faculty Associate/ Faculty Liaison, Land and Food Systems, CTLT
  • Shaya Golparian, Educational Developer: TA Development Programs, CTLT
