Series: Classroom Climate Series Indigenous Engagement in Classroom Climate TDP Credit Indigenous Initiatives This Week Upcoming
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Please join the CTLT Indigenous Initiatives Team for their inaugural Classroom Climate Forum. Expect a day of connecting, witnessing, learning, and laughs as we move together through curated sessions and facilitated conversations created to engage participants in relationally led learning on Classroom Climate by campus partners and the CTLT Indigenous Initiatives team.
What to Expect:
The morning:
- Light refreshments and visiting
- Featured Indigenous Initiatives Workshop: From Reverence to Erasure to Queer Indigenous Joy: Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer Realities Over Time: Often when discussing the representations and realities of Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer (2SIQ) people, there is a focus on the history and attempted erasure of gender and sexual diversity within Indigenous communities. However, that attempt was not successful. While we have been left with complexities to address and untangle, the stories and kinship practices have not only survived they have flourished anew. Join us for this session as we explore where we have been and shift our focus into contemporary spaces and embodiments of queer Indigenous joy and surthrivance. Facilitators: Kyle Shaughnessy (Indigenous Educational Consultant: Staff Training) and Janelle Kasperski (Educational Consultant, Strategic Projects)
- Introduction to the Indigenous Peoples Giant Floor Map from Kayla Lar-son (Acting Head Xwi7xwa Library) at Xwi7Xwa.
The afternoon:
- Lunch provided
- Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniel Heath Justice on “Kinder Classrooms in Crueler Times”
- Classroom Climate Discussion Forum: dedicated opportunity to connect in a facilitated discussion and reflection with peers. A dedicated and hosted space will be provided for Indigenous staff, faculty, and students.
For full Classroom Climate Forum details and updates, please visit our Forum website.
The forum is open to all members of the teaching and learning community. Please reach out to if you have any questions about your participation.
We encourage participants to take the time to learn more about our engagement with Classroom Climate frameworks.
Space will be limited – if you register and are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible
About Classroom Climate Series
This forum is an extension of CTLT Indigenous Initiatives Classroom Climate series. The Classroom Climate Series supports the development of skills, resources, and capacity around Indigenous engagement in teaching and learning, including navigating Indigenous topics, contexts, and socially contentious issues in the classroom. We are excited to be offering a full day of programming.
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Dodson Room (Room 302)
Venue Website:,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus