Improving your Time Management (in TAing)
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Do you have trouble balancing your graduate studies and TA responsibilities? Do you stay up all night marking or preparing for class? Are you a procrastinator? If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then this workshop is for you. Please come to this workshop prepared to be open and honest with (more…)
Faculty-TA Relationship: Managing Expectations and Addressing Challenges
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Often as TA’s we focus on creating positive relationships with our students, but may forget about creating strong connections to the faculty members running the course. In this session we will be discussing strategies to set expectations regarding TAing and address any problems that may arise throughout the term with faculty members. Furthermore we will (more…)
How Your TAship Can Help Your Career
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Gaining experience as a TA has clear benefits if you plan to continue in a teaching-related role, but the skills you gain can help in other career paths too. This interactive session will help participants reflect on and articulate the skills gained from being a teaching assistant. We will develop strategies for describing your teaching (more…)
Self-Advocacy and Negotiation Strategies for TAs
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Advocating for yourself and others as a Teaching Assistant (TA) can be uncomfortable. There are power dynamics between you, your department, your students and your instructors that can sometimes be hard to navigate. Our aim for this session is to help TAs learn effective self-advocacy strategies that will support their overall wellbeing. We will do (more…)