How Your TAship Can Help Your Career

Event Date & Time

  • January 18, 2019
    12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Description

Gaining experience as a TA has clear benefits if you plan to continue in a teaching-related role, but the skills you gain can help in other career paths too.  This interactive session will help participants reflect on and articulate the skills gained from being a teaching assistant. We will develop strategies for describing your teaching assistant experience in a variety of contexts (resumes, cover letters, and interviews). There will also be time to consider how working as a TA can illuminate career paths you might want to explore. Participants are welcome to attend whether or not they  currently have a specific career path in mind.

Register and attend this workshop in order to complete the following theme(s):

  • TA Wellness 


  • Danielle Barkley, Graduate Educator, Centre for Student Involvement & Careers (CSIC).
  • Kaylee Byers, Graduate Student Facilitator, CTLT

TA Institute

The TA Institute is open to any Graduate Student who is interested in teaching or TAing, and includes sessions on Teaching and Learning Theory, Scholarship, Classroom Strategies, Campus Climate, and Lesson Design. If you have interest in becoming a better TA, or get a head start preparing for teaching in your career, sign up for one or more of these 2 hour, interactive workshops.

This year, workshops in the TA institute are organized into 5 themes, and if you complete 3 workshops in a theme, and do the related pre & post institute online module, you are eligible for a letter of completion that you can include in your Teaching Portfolio and C.V. These letters will include a brief description of any themes that you completed, and how the work you did in those themes supports your development as a teacher.

The themes are:


Venue Website:

1961 E Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.