Event Date & Time
Event Description
Please note, this session is part of the CTLT TA Institute for UBC graduate students and teaching assistants. For a complete list of sessions visit institute.ctlt.ubc.ca.
Please click “Register Now” to register for this event. This event will be online on Blackboard Collaborate.
TAs have expressed feeling overwhelmed trying to hold office hours, manage full inboxes, and balance their own online work with their TA work. This session will brainstorm and explore best practices for how to set online boundaries and stick to them.
- Reilly Ische, UBC iCORD
- Jonathan Agyeman, PhD student, Statistics Department
The Blackboard Collaborate video conferencing link will be provided prior to the event to all who are confirmed to participate. Please ensure you have a quiet space and a computer with a webcam and earphones/buds.
Venue: Online