Marking and Feedback: Providing Oral Feedback Online & Written Feedback on Essays

Event Date & Time

  • January 13, 2021
    11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Event Description

Note: This session is intended for Graduate Students, and Undergraduate and Graduate TAs only

In this session we will develop strategies to provide oral and written feedback on written assessments of student learning. We will apply student motivation and current approaches to learning theory to create best practices for providing feedback. Finally, we will devise strategies to accelerate the pace in which you can provide feedback while still delivering meaningful, useful, and directive comments.

Facilitator: Kyle Gooderham, PhD student, Department of Psychology

TA Institute

The January 2021 TA Institute runs online from January 11-15. This year, workshops in the TA institute are organized into 6 themes. If you complete 4 workshops in a theme, and do the related pre & post-session online modules, you are eligible for a letter of completion that you can include in your Teaching Portfolio and CV. These letters will include a brief description of any themes that you completed, and how the work you did in those themes supports your development as a teacher.

To be completed – Pre/Post Session Online Module

If you wish to complete this workshop as part of the themes below  you must complete all applicable the pre-session online module(s) by January 11 at 9 AM and the post-session online module(s) by January 18 at noon to receive the letter(s) of completion.

  • Implementing Impactful Teaching Practices
  • Designing for Impactful Teaching 
  • Professional (Interpersonal) Skills  

Click HERE to access the pre and post session modules.
