Centering Indigenous Voices in Your Course Syllabus

Event Date & Time

  • June 2, 2020
    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Description

Please click “Register Now” to register for this event. This event will be online on Blackboard Collaborate.

As you fill your basket with reading contenders for your online courses, you may be wondering how to bring in a variety of Indigenous perspectives relevant to the learning objectives. You may also have concerns about designing your assignments about Indigenous topics in ways that the library has appropriate e-materials to support. This workshop will introduce you to the curated resources and expertise available from the Xwi7xwa Library that we want you to know about as you as you design these critical course components. Not ready to work with a Librarian directly? We will show you some helpful tips and new tools to help you discover relevant Indigenous content in the UBC Library more efficiently independently, too!


Sarah Dupont is the Head of Xwi7xwa Library at the University of British Columbia. In addition to administrative, collections, and strategic Indigenous initiatives work, she manages the Indigitization program to support analog media management in Indigenous communities. Sarah has previously served as the UBC iSchool’s First Nations Curriculum Concentration Coordinator and co-taught Information Practice and Protocol in Support of Indigenous Initiatives at the iSchool with Amy Perreault. She is the Council of Pacific and Prairie University Libraries (COPPUL) Chair of the Indigenous Knowledge Steering Committee and the British Columbia Library Association’s First Nations Interest Group convenor. Sarah is of Métis-settler ancestry and uses she/her pronouns.



  • Sarah Dupont, Head, Xwi7xwa Library
  • Amy Perreault, Senior Strategist, Indigenous Initiatives, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT)

Please ensure you have your own quiet space, a computer with a webcam and headphones or earbuds.
