Supporting Student Awareness of Learning: Using Metacognition as a Tool in Teaching – February 11, 2020

Event Date & Time

  • February 11, 2020
    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Description

***Note: This session is intended for Graduate Students, and Undergraduate and Graduate TAs only. We invite Faculty and Staff to sign up for our sessions during CTLT’s Spring, Summer, and Winter Institutes.

This session is rescheduled from January 15, 2020.

Are your students constantly asking you why they got this mark? In this session we will help you create tools to allow students to become aware of their own progress in learning through metacognition.  Together we will explore underlying theory and teaching techniques that can help you guide your students on deeper reflection of their learning.


The TA Institute is open to all undergraduate TAs, graduate students who are interested in teaching, and all graduate student TAs. This session is not open to general undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, or faculty.


  • Katie Faulkner is a PhD student in mathematical biology, studying dynamical systems in physiology. Katie enjoys sharing her passion for math and science with others, through teaching and discussing with students at all levels. As a facilitator, she wants to share my excitement for finding new perspectives and encourage participants to learn from each other. 
  • Natalie Westwood is currently a PhD student in Zoology where she examines how fragmenting forests changes the decomposition cycle of leaf litter in aquatic systems.  She is passionate about sharing science in the most effective manner possible and believes that no matter what someone plans to do in the future, there is almost always a component of teaching or instructing. She hopes that through facilitation, not only will she help others become better instructors, but that she will continue to improve her own skills.

To be completed – Pre/Post Session Online Module


If you wish to complete this workshop as part of the theme Teaching Career Preparations, you must complete the pre-session online module by February 11 at 9 AM and the post-session online module by February 14 at noon to receive the letter of completion. 

If you wish to complete this workshop as part of the theme Transformative Growth in Learning, you must complete the pre-session online module by February 11 at 9 AM and the post-session online module by February 14 at noon to receive the letter of completion. 

If you had previously registered for this session (for the cancelled January 15) and completed the pre-session online modules, you do not need to re-submit. If this is your first time registering for this session, you must complete the pre-session online modules by the above deadline. 

TA Institute

This year’s TA Institute includes sessions on Inclusive, Student-Centered Learning, Teaching Career Preparations, Teaching Fundamentals, Transformative Growth in Learning, and Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning. If you are interested in impacting your current or future TAships, or in improving your teaching skills, be sure to join us for one or more of these 2 hour, interactive workshops.

This year, workshops in the TA institute are organized into 5 themes, and if you complete 3 workshops in a theme, and do the related pre- & post-session online modules, you are eligible for a letter of completion that you can include in your Teaching Portfolio and CV. These letters will include a brief description of any themes that you completed, and how the work you did in those themes supports your development as a teacher.

This year’s themes are:



Venue Website:

1961 E Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.