Series: CTLT Institute Multi-access
Event Date & Time
Event Description
This event is part of the CTLT Spring Institute, taking place from May 29–June 1, 2023.
Data is an important part of many disciplines – either as an object of study, or to illustrate an object of study. We want students to deeply understand the patterns and relationships present in data, in order to create meaningful learning and understanding of the processes and situations under study – usually in a “hands-on” (experiential) way. Unfortunately, this is very challenging; unless your students know programming and have access to relatively powerful computer hardware (and software), you are generally limited to just “showing” them the data.
In this 90-minute workshop, we will introduce you to the Jupyter framework for creating experiential computational learning experiences. These experiences can range from very simple (for students with little familiarity with computer or programming) to highly complex (for advanced students), to meet your pedagogical needs. Using the OpenJupyter system here at UBC, we will guide you through the process of creating a short notebook, using R, suitable for classroom instruction. We will also discuss ways to share your work with others, and distribute the notebooks to students.
While we will emphasize data-oriented projects, the Jupyter framework is flexible enough to include a dynamic range of interactive learning experiences in many fields – such as language learning, fine arts, and more. Your imagination is the limit!
Some familiarity with basic programming is necessary if you intend to make notebooks yourself, but this workshop may also be of interest if you are thinking of hiring RAs to support pedagogical renewal; in our experience, undergraduate RAs make excellent notebook authors!
- Jonathan Graves, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Economics, UBC-V
This event will be hosted both in-person and over Zoom.
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Seminar (Room 2.22)
Venue Website:
Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.