Series: CTLT Institute
Event Date & Time
Event Description
The first day of class is a great opportunity for instructors to start off their course right! This workshop focuses on how instructors can use that first day of class to intentionally create an inclusive classroom environment where students with different backgrounds and experiences can feel a sense of belonging and thrive. After briefly reviewing why inclusion and belonging matter to student learning, we will explore strategies and resources that instructors in all disciplines can use on the first day of class to communicate about the course in a way that sets an inclusive tone and starts creating positive relationships with their students. Building on the experiences and skills in the room, we will discuss skills that instructors can model and foster in students so that the students can also play an active role in creating inclusive communities in and beyond the classroom.
This workshop is highly interactive and generative – please come to share your stories, experiences, and ideas, and to learn from and with other participants to develop an action plan for the first day of your class.
This event is part of our CTLT Summer Institute. For more Institute events, please click here.
Hanae Tsukada, Student Diversity Initiative Liaison, Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Hélène Frohard-Dourlent, Student Diversity Initiative Liaison, Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Chilcotin Room 256
Venue Website:,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus