Series: Celebrate Learning Week
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Typically, we teach to students. What happens if we approach our work differently, aiming to teach with students? Emerging research suggests that engaging students as partners in teaching and learning has the potential to enhance, and perhaps even transform, student learning—and our teaching.
This workshop, led by Celebrate Learning Week 2018 keynote speaker Peter Felten, will explore practical strategies from diverse disciplines for creating and sustaining student-faculty partnerships in teaching and learning.
Bio: Peter Felten
Peter Felten is a professor of history, assistant provost for teaching and learning, and executive director of the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. He has served as president of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2016-17) and the POD Network (2010-2011). He is co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development and a fellow of the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.
His books include the co-authored volumes: The Undergraduate Experience: Focusing Institutions on What Matters Most (Jossey-Bass, 2016); Transforming Students: Fulfilling the Promise of Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014); Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2014); Transformative Conversations (Jossey-Bass, 2013); and the co-edited book Intersectionality in Action (Stylus, 2016). Learn more about Peter’s scholarship.
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Peña Room 301
Venue Website:,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516
formerly Lillooet Room.