Event Date & Time
Event Description
***Note: This session is intended for Graduate Students, and Undergraduate and Graduate TAs only. We invite Faculty and Staff to sign up for our sessions during CTLT’s Spring, Summer, and Winter Institutes.
The classroom is increasingly moving into the digital realm. The use of technology, as both an adjunct to and substitute for the traditional classroom setting, has introduced countless opportunities for educators to engage and facilitate student learning. However, the introduction of new technologies also brings new challenges. In this lesson you will work to identify these challenges and how they can be overcome with the application of fundamental teaching techniques.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, you will be able to :
- Compare and contrast teaching techniques and their effective use in traditional and digital classrooms
- Establish a series of best practices for interacting with learners and evaluating learner engagement and performance on digital platforms
The TA Institute is open to all undergraduate TAs, graduate students who are interested in teaching, and all graduate student TAs. This session is not open to general undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, or faculty.
Kyle Gooderham is a PhD student in the Department of Psychology where he investigates the impact of lifestyle factors on cognitive performance and health. He joined the Graduate Student Facilitator Team in 2017 and has enjoyed the opportunity to work and learn with the endlessly talented graduate students from across UBC. Kyle works within the Psychology department as the TA Development Coordinator and is a member of the Curriculum Committee.
To be completed – Pre/Post Session Online Module
If you wish to complete this workshop as part of the theme Teaching Fundamentals, you must complete the pre-session online module by January 13 at 9 AM and the post-session online module by January 20 at noon to receive the letter of completion.
If you wish to complete this workshop as part of the theme Transformative Growth in Learning, you must complete the pre-session online module by January 13 at 9 AM and the post-session online module by January 20 at noon to receive the letter of completion.
TA Institute
This year’s TA Institute includes sessions on Inclusive, Student-Centered Learning, Teaching Career Preparations, Teaching Fundamentals, Transformative Growth in Learning, and Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning. If you are interested in impacting your current or future TAships, or in improving your teaching skills, be sure to join us for one or more of these 2 hour, interactive workshops.
This year, workshops in the TA institute are organized into 5 themes, and if you complete 3 workshops in a theme, and do the related pre- & post-session online modules, you are eligible for a letter of completion that you can include in your Teaching Portfolio and CV. These letters will include a brief description of any themes that you completed, and how the work you did in those themes supports your development as a teacher.
This year’s themes are:
- Inclusive, Student-Centered Learning
- Teaching Career Preparations
- Teaching Fundamentals
- Transformative Growth in Learning
- Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Seminar (Room 2.22)
Venue Website: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index_detail.php?locat1=516
Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.