Edu-hacking Community of Practice: Starting your own Teaching as Research (TAR)/SoTL Project

Event Date & Time

  • April 18, 2018
    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Description

Are you interested in the idea of doing a Teaching as Research (TAR) or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project, but don’t know where to begin? Have some ideas, but looking to fine tune them to apply for a TAR award or as a part of the Certificate in Advanced Teaching and Learning (CATL)? Join the Edu-hacking community of practice, where we will be hosting a viewing party of successful TAR projects from across the CIRTL network, to see some ideas of has been done as TAR /SoTL projects over the past year. Then, stay for a discussion with the community, including past UBC TAR awardees, on how you might start planning your own TAR project or SoTL project. You can use this as a way of thinking through an idea to submit for an upcoming TAR award application or TAR internship.


Venue Website:

2206 E Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z3