Series: CTLT Institute
Event Date & Time
Event Description
In our present digital age, language and visual communication work together to organize content and create meaning. Text is often no longer delivered in isolation, instead multimodal combinations of language, images, video, sound and/or spatial components all take part in the process of communication. This is not new by any means; however, faculty continue to face challenges in how best to incorporate media projects into their courses.
In this workshop, we will focus on ways that multimodal projects can align with and inform particular class and project outcomes. We begin by uncovering strategies of how to adapt course content to help facilitate students to better produce multimodal projects. By familiarizing participants to specific methods and examples, we will demonstrate how to purposefully target and connect content with multimodal ways of learning and communicating specific to disciplinary outcomes. The session will conclude by sharing rubrics and assessment strategies for grading, that take into account the objective of the project and how knowledge is demonstrated in the work. By the end of the workshop, instructors will feel more confident in how to implement multimodal assignments to achieve course learning goals.
Silvia Bartolic, Instructor, Sociology
Heidi May, Curriculum Manager, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Arts & Educational Programmer, Arts ISIT
Christine D’Onofrio, Instructor, Art History, Visual Art and Theory
Click here to see the full Winter Institute schedule
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Room 156
Venue Website:,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus