Event Date & Time
Event Description
This event is part of the TA Institute, taking place from January 13-17, 2025
Eligibility: The TA Institute is open to undergraduate and graduate TAs, and all graduate students who are interested in teaching. This session is not open staff, or faculty.
Participants should bring a laptop or electronic device to use in the session. The utilization of diverse Artificial Intelligence (AI) forms, including tools like ChatGPT, has become a prominent topic in recent discussions. As educators, it is essential for us to reflect on our involvement with AI and its potential impact on learning experiences—whether it serves to enhance or diminish them. Throughout this session, we will explore the applications of AI, examining both its potential drawbacks in a classroom setting and the possibilities for integrating it to augment certain lessons. There will also be an opportunity to work with some AI platforms in the session through guided activities.
- Kenny Chiu, Graduate Facilitator, PhD Candidate in Statistics
- Brooke Hoppstock-Mattson, PhD Candidate in Earth, Ocean, Atmospheric Sciences, Lead Graduate Facilitator
If you wish to complete this workshop as part of either of the themes below to receive a Letter of Completion, you must complete a theme completion form by January 22nd, 2025 at 11:59 PM (only complete this form once—make sure to indicate all themes and all sessions that you have completed).
This session falls into the following theme:
- Experiential and Transformative Learning
TA Institute
This year, workshops in the TA institute are organized into 3 themes. If you complete all the workshops in a theme, and submit a theme completion form, you are eligible for a Letter of Completion that you can include in your Teaching Portfolio and CV. The Letter of Completion will include a brief description of the theme(s) that you completed, and how the work you did in the theme(s) support your development as a teacher.
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Seminar (Room 2.22)
Venue Website: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index_detail.php?locat1=516
Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.