Event Date & Time
Event Description
“Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative.” – Hattie & Timperley, 2007
Providing feedback is an important skill that require training and refinement in order to maximize the positive impact on your students’ learning and development. Oral and written feedback are closely interrelated and provide opportunities for you to identify learners’ strengths and to give clear and constructive advice on which areas need improvement. In this interactive session, we will distinguish between different types of feedback, identify characteristics of constructive feedback, discuss various approaches of providing feedback, including a strength-based coaching approach.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
– Distinguish between different types of feedback
– Identify key characteristics of effective feedback
– Discuss various opportunities and approaches of providing feedback
– Practice providing effective oral and written feedback with fellow participants
- Pamela Rogalski – Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Materials Engineering
- Deb Chen, PhD – Educational Developer: Teaching and Learning Professional Development, CTLT
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Chilcotin Room 256
Venue Website: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index_detail.php?show=y,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus