Event Date & Time
Event Description
Student Evaluation of Teaching (SEoT) summary statistics are going through a transition and a new Integrated Reporting tool is now implemented. This Reporting Tool will be accessible to department heads and directors. If you are involved in using the results for evaluating instructors in your program, please join us at this session to learn about the steps that have been taken, what the reporting tool looks like and the metrics reported.
At this session we will:
· Explain the policies surrounding the evaluation of teaching and the use of these statistics.
· Talk about the history of SEoT and what has changed in the last three years.
· Introduce the new metrics including the reason behind these metrics and the various ways to use the data.
· Discuss the research UBC has done and other topics as related to this implementation.
· Include a demonstration of the Reporting Tool
And you will have a chance to ask your questions.
Facilitators: Abdel Azim Zumrawi, Alison Wong, Mankee Mah and Nina Kessler
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Dodson Room (Room 302)
Venue Website: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index_detail.php?show=y,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus