Course Design Considerations and Integrating Classroom Climate

Series: CTLT Institute

Event Date & Time

  • August 24, 2015
    1:15 pm - 11:45 pm

Event Description

Do you know who your students are or how they’ll be engaged with your course design or classroom?  This two-part workshop offers you ways to help you think about your course context to make your course more effective and relevant for the students.

In the first half of this session, we will explore what factors might shape the experience of your course and reflect on whether they are worth considering.  Using a peer-based learning approach as a case study, you will collaboratively brainstorm your own circumstances as new faculty, and consider how you could plan for these as if designing for a course where you yourselves were the students. We will then reflect on how you would design for a course that integrates a variety of learners’ identities and learning circumstances more broadly.

The second part of this session will narrow the level of analysis to the classroom so that we become more attuned to the complexity of the classroom space in which we actually deliver our courses and how this relates to student learning. We will introduce a framework to explore different dimensions of classroom climate, student and instructor factors that are pertinent to creating a particular classroom dynamics, and underlying socio-political contextual layers. We will discuss how all these elements in the classroom space intricately interact with one another to have an impact on student learning and performance.

You are encouraged to participate in both sessions, but not required.

Facilitators: Erin Yun, Jessica Earle-Meadows, Hanae Tsukada, and Amy Perreault

This function is part of the CTLT Summer Institute taking place from August 24-27, 2015.  This week long initiative will feature a series of workshops designed for new and developing faculty, staff, graduate students, teaching assistants, and anyone else in the UBC teaching community.  Explore and share fundamental teaching and learning practices that can be implemented into your instruction.  For a complete list of events, please click here


Venue Website:

1961 East Mall V6T 1Z1, Vancouver


formerly Lillooet Room.