Series: CTLT Institute
Event Date & Time
Event Description
Join us for a presentation and question and answer session dealing with Copyright at UBC. Peter D James, Intellectual Property & Copyright Librarian will introduce session participants to the Copyright at UBC Service and discuss UBC’s copyright policies as they pertain to instructional and research activities. The presentation will touch on the following topics: appropriate Educational Uses of copyrighted works; the application of fair dealing and other copyright exceptions in an educational context; When to link vs. copying; Locating web-based materials for classroom uses.
In addition, Simonida Jocic, Manager of the Copyright Permissions Office, will provide an overview of LOCR (the online course reserves system at UBC) and the role of Permission s in clearly material for use in the classroom.
Facilitators: Farnaz Badiee, Peter D James and Simonida Jocic
This function is part of the CTLT Summer Institute taking place from August 24-27, 2015. This week long initiative will feature a series of workshops designed for new and developing faculty, staff, graduate students, teaching assistants, and anyone else in the UBC teaching community. Explore and share fundamental teaching and learning practices that can be implemented into your instruction. For a complete list of events, please click here
Venue: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Fraser River Room (Room 2.27)
Venue Website:,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=516&locat2=#showMapCampus