Can I Use This? Exploring Copyright & Open Educational Resources

Event Date & Time

  • August 30, 2017
    2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Event Description

If you are preparing resources for your teaching, from PowerPoint slides to online modules, chances are you’ll want to incorporate readings, images, video clips, problem sets, or other materials from different sources. Copyright legislation, a series of Supreme Court decisions, and the use of Creative Commons licenses have resulted in greater flexibility when dealing with copyright protected works. This session will focus on the pragmatic elements of reuse, the essentials of copyright, and the basics of working with open educational resources that are licensed to allow revision and reuse. Such openly-licensed resources can impact teaching and learning through contextualization, time savings, and lowering student access barriers such as costs. Please bring your questions and join us in exploring UBC’s Copyright and Fair-Dealing guidelines and how copyright intersects with effective teaching practices.

Facilitators: Will Engle, Christina Hendricks, Jonathan Verrett, Peter James

For a list of all upcoming sessions for NEW Faculty visit: 

Focus on New Faculty Agenda


Venue Website:

1961 E Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Please note this room is located through the CTLT offices of the 2nd floor in IKBLC.